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Direction générale de l'aviation civile (DGAC)

Service technique de l'aviation civile

Note d'information technique

The ADB SAFEGATE visual approach slope indicator (PAPI) type LPLI (or L-880 (L) / L-881 (L)) is equipped with a heated front glass, the emission of light sources is effective only after the preheating period which is three minutes.

During a start-up cycle following the loss of the power supply to the current regulator following a transfer of  power sources, passage from the main power supply to the auxiliary power supply, and vice versa, the a heated front glass is systematically reactivated and the maximum switch-over time is not satisfactory.

In order to use the ADB SAFEGATE LPLI PAPI, special operating conditions must be set up.


Éditeur STAC
Année de parution 2020
Format A4
Nombre de pages 10