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Direction générale de l'aviation civile (DGAC)

Service technique de l'aviation civile

Nov 2018

EASA - DGAC High Level Meeting 2018 on Cybersecurity in Civil Aviation

EASA and the French DGAC (STAC) organised, on Wednesday, 14 and Thursday 15 novembre 2018, a High Level Meeting 2018 on Cybersecurity in Civil Aviation at Toulouse (FRANCE).

The meeting was hold in the premises of Meteo France Campus at Toulouse. 

Around 100 participants from various international entites were present (EASA ; OACI, CEAC, Eurocontrol, EU Commission), representatives of européean civil aviation authorithies, aeronautical industrials and cybersécurity experts, including the French ANSSI.

Various Services of the French DGAC were also present: DTA, DSAC (M. Patrick CIPRIANI, DSAC Director), DSNA, STAC (M. Olivier JOUANS, STAC Director).

Mr Patrick GANDIL, General director of the French DGAC opened this symposium chaired by Mr Luc TYTGAT, Strategy and Safety Management Director and  ESCP Executive, and by Mr Farid ZIZI (Senior advisor at the French DGAC).

Présentations will be available soon on the STAC and EASA websites.

Symposium agenda (pdf)

Updated on Dec 12 2022