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Direction générale de l'aviation civile (DGAC)

Service technique de l'aviation civile

Download technical guidance (pdf 2 Mo) - Download data sheets (pdf 1,5 Mo)

Considering their large waterproof surfaces and their activities and operating systems, airports are directly involved in water regulation and several of its implementing decrees (some of them laying down conditions of airport compliance and water protection).

This document is intended to provide technical assistance to airports managers and environmental expert in their approach to airports compliance with water regulation.

guide (fichier pdf 2 Mo)</a> - <a href="javascript:xt_med('C','','TLC_Eau_AP_conf_FI','T','formulaire_inscription/access_publi.php?fichier=/publications/documents/eauaero2/ficheseau2.pdf')" title="Télécharger les fiches (PDF 1,5 Mo)">les fiches

Editor STBA
Publication year 2003
Format A4
Pages number 48
Price printed version 33.00