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Direction générale de l'aviation civile (DGAC)

Service technique de l'aviation civile

This study report aims at assessing wildlife hazard on civil airfields during the period of time between 2010 and 2013. It deals with :

  • a national statement of wildlife evolution during the considered period of time allowing to compare France with other european states,
  • A detailled collection of wildlife strikes upon aerodromes pointing out the efforts engaged by airport managers and the way forward to mitigate the risk of incidents below international means of incidents or serious events.

This report is mainly dedicated to the French Civil Aviation Authority and airport managers in charge of wildlife hazard prevention and ANSP.

However, airlines, whose pilots provide some of the information analysed, might also be interested in reading this document.


Editor STAC
ISBN/ISSN 978-2-11-139443-8
Publication year 2017
Format A4
Pages number 82
Price printed version 33.00