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Direction générale de l'aviation civile (DGAC)

Service technique de l'aviation civile

Technical Guidance

The auditor’s guide is mainly intended for people in charge of conducting safety regulatory audits in the frame of their activities of certification and oversight of Air Navigation Service Providers.

It completes, in the form of recommendations, the procedures and arrangements required by the French National Supervisory Authority of Air Navigation Service Providers.

The document describes, at first, a technical methodology of reference, based on good practices and recommendations provided by Eurocontrol in the frame of the safety oversight of ATM regulatory requirements (ESARR 1), and by ISO in the domain of Management Systems (ISO 19011) audits. It compiles in a second time some practical sheets for the audits conducting.

The good practices compiled in this guide aim to be updated, by being incorporated in a cycle that includes auditors training, audits performance and feedback consideration.

Mainly focused on audit techniques, the document also does not include any interpretation nor regulation implementation material in the domain of ATM.

Finally, the application of this methodology should remain flexible, and auditors should tailor the tools and practices to the procedures, regulations and objectives that are required by their clients, but also to the size, nature and complexity of the audited organisms.


Editor STAC
Publication year 2009
Format A4
Pages number 40
Price printed version 17.00