Direction générale de l'aviation civile (DGAC)

Service technique de l'aviation civile

Although airport sites are classified as industrial zones by the European "Corine Landcover" reference system, on average over 75% of them consist of green spaces. Therefore, airports are home to a significant number of ordinary or remarkable habitats and species, some of which may be protected or of heritage interest. This ecological richness is particularly noteworthy given that most airports are vast areas surrounded by urban or agricultural zones.

However, certain biodiversity found on aerodromes can pose a risk to flight operations, such as animal collisions or masking of infrastructure elements. Therefore, actions to promote biodiversity must consider the safety imperatives associated with aviation activity. When managing wildlife risks, it is crucial to remember that national regulations mandate most aerodromes to implement suitable wildlife management measures. This includes taking preventive action by managing the natural environment and using fencing that is adapted to the risk.

Since 2017, STAC has been taking steps to promote airport biodiversity:

  • Surveys to assess how airport managers consider biodiversity
  • Studies about the composition and management of grass covers
  • Methodology for assessing and monitoring airport biodiversity
  • Testing new bird-scaring equipment
  • Organizing events on airport biodiversity.
  • Study regarding grass management at airports
  • Training initiatives for professionals in the aviation sector and future professionals.

For further information, please contact STAC at

Updated on April 12 2024