The practical application of the European regulations required by ATM / ANS bodies often requires the establishment of interpretative material or guides, whether from the publication of these regulations, or throughout their implementation. In this field, the Air Navigation division, based on its great experience in supervising changes and on its specific technical skills, makes a broad contribution to the defining of this material, at national or even European level.
The division has thus greatly contributed to the practical interpretation of EC Regulation 482/2008, which deals with the management of ATM / ANS software safety. It also runs, on behalf of the DSAC (the French civil aviation supervisory authority), exchanges with ANSPs to define "harmonized positions" between the supervisory authority and these ANSPs, on very specific issues, such as the use of alternative means for achieving software assurance levels. Finally, it provides support to the DSAC as part of the EASA's drafting of the new European regulations on ATM / ANS safety and supervision.
The division may also participate in the development of European standards (EUROCAE standards), and monitor these standards, in order to assess their interest in the application of the European ATM / ANS regulations.
Updated on Nov 25 2022