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Direction générale de l'aviation civile (DGAC)

Service technique de l'aviation civile

mars 2016

Friction Symposium 2016

Symposium Runway Surface Conditions Assessment and Reporting


STAC was very pleased to organize this Symposium on Runway Surface Conditions Assessment and Reporting at the DGAC Head Office in Paris 31 March and 1 April 2016. The Symposium was a real success since 183 people did participate (for 202 registrations).

We are now on the way of implementation of the Runway Condition Report (RCR) following the recent amendments of ICAO provisions adopted by the Council in March 2016 for application in 2020.

Hopefully the Symposium is a first step of a long series of events which will promote and frame the RCR implementation at the Regional and States’ levels.

The exchanges during question sessions, coffee breaks and lunches, were very fruitful and enriching. The presence of multiple nationalities and most stakeholders involved in the implementation of the RCR have contributed to this success.

Please find below links to download the presentations of the Symposium, as well as supplementary materials. By end of June 2016, STAC will prepare an overview paper to illustrate the main feedbacks and conclusions of the Symposium.

Opening Speech by Richard THUMMEL (Deputy head of the French Oversight Authority of Civil Aviation, DSAC) and Mickaël THIERY (deputy head of the Airfield Infrastructures department of STAC)


mthiery-2016-008-031-300.jpg "I welcome you warmly on behalf of DGAC for this Symposium on the Assessment and Reporting of Runway Surface Conditions. This Symposium follows the recent adoption by the Air Navigation Commission (ANC) and ICAO Council of multiple amendments of Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) relating to fundamental improvements in assessing and reporting runway surface conditions." Read more...

Introduction of the Symposium by Armann NORHEIM, Rapporteur of ICAO/FTF


Armann NORHEIM's presentation

"It is my privilege to outline for you the scope of this two-­-day Symposium on Runway Surface Conditions Assessment and Reporting. The scope can be divided into four categories; namely: 1. Illustrate forthcoming evolutions of the regulatory framework, 2. Share feedbacks, 3. Present state of knowledge, 4. Research and innovative works... " Read more...

SESSION TALPA trial programs

The TALPA-ARC initiative: The origin and the validation effort of the Runway Condition Code (RWYCC), and Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM) and associated procedures concept

Charles J. ENDERS - FAA (USA)

Japan TALPA Trial

Yoichi HAMAHIRA - Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (Japan)


Paul FRASER-BENNISON - CAA/UK (United Kingdom)
Presented by Jean-Louis PIRAT – STAC (France)

Swiss TALPA trial

Martin SCHILT - BAZL/FOCA/OFAC (Switzerland)

ENAC Runway Condition Assessment Trial

Giorgio CASCONE - ENAC (Italy)

French TALPA Trial


SESSION Solution to prevent runway excursions (H2020 Future Sky Safety project)

State of current knowledge regarding tyre braking performance of modern aircraft tyres on flooded runways

Gerard van ES - NLR (The Netherlands)

New concepts to prevent excursions or the consequences of excursions (FP8 Future Sky Safety Project)

Frédéric BARBARESCO - Thales Air Systems (France)

SESSION Reporting solutions: procedures and systems

Assessment of the Runway Condition by Landing Airplane

Fabien MOLL and Logan JONES – Airbus

An overview of runway condition reporting systems and their implementation

Leonard TAYLOR - Tradewind Scientific Ltd. (Canada)

The IRIS runway model - A decision support model for assessing runway surface conditions

Alex KLEIN-PASTE - NTNU (Norway)

Paris Airports Safety Procedure for the assessment of the Runway Condition Code

Blandine LANDFRIED - Paris Airports (France) and Pierre JOUNIAUX - Safety Line (France)

Objective Measurement of Aircraft ASBS Braking Availability on Contaminated Runways

Steve McKEOWN - Team Eagle (Canada)

The Munich Airport Experience of in-situ sensors

Joerg SIMON - Munich Airport (Germany)

Runway weather contaminants information systems study

Jean-Michel DUBOIS - DGAC/STAC (France) and Blandine LANDFRIED - Paris Airports (France)

SESSION On the way to implement the Runway Condition Code - Round table

Practical implementation steps before 2020, the date of application of the Runway Condition Report

Andre SKANDSEN (Norway) and Peter RIX (Germany) - European Cockpit Association

Runway Surface Conditions Assessment and Reporting: from a pilot's perspective

John ARNE LANDE - Norwegian Air Shuttle (Norway)

Round table: Stakeholders’ perspectives

Jean-Louis PIRAT (moderator, ICAO and DGAC)




Stefanioros VASILEIOS (EASA)

Ian WITTER (ACI and Heathrow Airport)

Raymond ZEE (FAA)

SESSION Maintenance

The ROSANNE Project: Harmonisation of Skid Resistance Measurements on Roads

Martin GREENE - TRL (United Kingdom)

Macrotexture assessment methods and their correlation

Véronique CEREZO - IFSTTAR (France)

How to address the issue of fixing Maintenance/Minimum Friction Levels of a runway?

Armann NORHEIM - ICAO/FTF (Norway)

A brief history of Table 3-2 and re-evaluating readings across all CFMEs

Raymond ZEE - FAA (USA)

The French approach: inter-comparison, management of uncertainties, training of staff


Supplementary materials prepared by Armann NORHEIM

Minimum Friction Level [Number, Index, Matrix] ?

MU = 0.50 as measured by a Mu-Meter

pgandil_Q6A0289-300.jpg Closure speech by Patrick GANDIL (Director of French Civil Aviation Authority)

Mise à jour le 12 déc. 2022